Tiago Costa
Tiago Costa is an IT Consultant in Microsoft Technologies. For the past 15 years he has been architecting and developing solutions for clients using Azure, Office 365, SharePoint, .Net and SQL Server. He has a strong real world experience and regularly teaches Azure, Office 365, SharePoint, .Net and SQL Server classes across Europe and other worldwide locations.
Tiago detains several Microsoft Certifications and he is also MCT – Microsoft Certified Trainer. In 2013 he was nominated MCT Regional Lead – Portugal by Microsoft Corp and has been renewed every year including in 2016.
In 2016 he has been awarded with the MVP Award in Office Server and Services for his community efforts in sharing his knowledge and experience. This award gives him the opportunity to go even further in getting more opportunities to share is passion for SharePoint and Office 365 Development.
He enjoys diving into new technologies and then share his experience at conferences and training classes, but what excites him about is work is to help others exploring new frontiers in technology and to become better developers.
His little free-time is spent with his family in a city near the sunny Lisbon, Portugal and building some geek projects
Links e Perfís em Redes Sociais:
- Site: http://www.tiagocosta.eu/
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/tiagocostapt
- LinkedIn: https://pt.linkedin.com/in/tiagocosta
Sessões que já apresentou em eventos da Comunidade NetPonto:
- 27/01/2018 - Creating a rocking global Web Application with Microsoft Azure App Service
- 19/03/2016 - Creating a Rocking Development Environment in 60 Minutes with Microsoft Team Services and Azure
Tiago Costa já apresentou um total de 2 sessões até hoje, nos eventos da Comunidade NetPonto.
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